Sunday, January 19, 2014

Pains of Parenthood

Has anyone ever stopped to think about how much pain children inflict on us, as parents?  As a mom, it can start during pregnancy; swollen feet and ankles, heartburn, back aches, etc.  I had bad sciatic nerve pain while pregnant.  I would always joke how my children were already showing signs of being a pain in the ass.  LOL  Then comes childbirth, and I bet every parent has been on the receiving end of an infant head-but when they’re on your lap and throw themselves backwards.  I’m lucky that I still have all my teeth! 
Tell me if this sounds familiar… The kids are finally asleep, and your finally letting your guard down and relaxing.  The lights are being turned off, so you can collapse into your own bed.  You make your way to the bedroom and see the bed in your sights and suddenly pain shoots into your foot which causes you to curse and hop on your good foot.  What happened?  You have stepped on the lost Lego, toy car, or other small toy that was left behind.
 How about this, can any parent lay on the floor without being jumped on?  Just the other day, I was pretending to sleep in my 2 year old daughter’s room when my 4 and a half year old linebacker decided to jump on my back… knees first!  I swear I heard a few bones pop out of place and for the rest of the day I was doing anything I could think of to stop the ache. 
I can also honestly say that I never truly knew what a headache was until I had a teenager.  LOL  You know what though, there are so many things that make up for it all.  You truly do forget about the pain from childbirth when you hold your little one for the first time.  The spontaneous hugs, the sticky fingerprints all over you and your house, painting your nails with your daughter for the first time… It all outweighs all the pain, but there is only one thing that I need and makes my heart melt every time; when you hear that little voice say, “I love you.”  Have a good weekend, everyone!

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